NAB 2018 - What's coming from CoreMelt

NAB 2018 - Sale details 

Even if you're not going to NAB, you can still save on all our plugins, bundles and motion templates.

  • 30% off all plugins and plugin bundles: use coupon 30VGS18P

  • 50% off all motion templates and five packs: use coupon 30VGS18T

* prices valid until midnight PST 20th April 2018 cannot be combined with other offers

It's NAB time again, and as usual CoreMelt is heading to Las Vegas to meet with some of our customers and give you a few sneak peeks at what we are working on. Starting off the week is the FCPXchange event on monday 9th April 5-6:30 pm S219 and the FCP Guru Gathering, both of which CoreMelt is sponsoring. More details and registration for Guru Gathering.

On Tuesday 10th April, CoreMelt will be demonstrating the latest beta version of our Scribeomatic cloud transcription software at the Faster Together stage 2:30 pm at Meeting Room S112LMR  (Plus a super secret quick peek at an entirely new product) There's many other informative and useful presentations on the Faster Together stage, registration is not necessary you just need your NAB exhibition pass to attend. Full details and time table (presentations all day every day of the show)


Tuesday night is the 17th Annual Supermeet event at the RIO, which CoreMelt is a gold sponsor of. Feel free to come up and ask questions at our table in the sponsors showcase area. We'll have some swag to give away, and we promise it's better than what we gave away last year ! Purchase tickets using the link above and save $5 on admission.

Roger Bolton from CoreMelt will also be available throughout the show for private demos or to discuss our products or issues you have at the LumaForge workflow suite Meeting Room S113LMR  Please make an appointment for a private demo using this form. Alternatively drop by any time and Roger will be happy to talk if available.

See you at Las Vegas!

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