VFXMarket Motion Template Installation
Install Instructions for Motion Templates from VFXMarket for FCP X and Motion.
Please note these templates require FCP X 10.2 or Motion 5.2 or later. They will not work on FCP X 10.1 or earlier or Motion 5.1 or earlier.
To install motion templates from VFXMarket, please:
- Download the Coremelt Motion Template Tool zip package
- Un-compress it and move the app to the Applications folder
- Double-click to run the app

When you purchase one, or multiple, templates you will immediately get access to a page with a download link for the Motion Template install packages for your purchased templates.
There is one package per template, each with the ".mtzip" extension.
You will also get these links and a tax invoice via email. This email will come from sales@coremelt.com, please check your spam folder if you don't receive it. Please note the unique download link you are sent will expire in 7 days, so please download within this time.

After downloading, your installers should be in the Downloads folder unless you have changed the defaults in your browser.
Please quit FCP X and Motion.

There are multiple ways to install:
- Double-click individual ".mtzip" files
- Select multiple files, then right-click and "open"
- Drag .mtzip files to the Motion Templates Tool window to start the installation process
- Click "Install Templates" in the app window
- Choose "Open" from the Motion Templates Tool menu
click the "Install" button, and wait for the installation to complete.

Now you can start FCP X or Motion.
The list of categories they will be under is:
- CX Corporate
- CX Event Promo
- CX Gallery
- CX Logo Intro
- CX Opener
- CX Intro
Please note that Generators are in a different location in FCP X 10.3 vs FCP X 10.2
In FCP X 10.3 Generators are at top left in the browser.

In FCP X 10.2 Generators are at bottom right grouped with effects and transitions.

In Apple Motion Generators are in the library browser at top left.