Level 2 Tech Support

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the problem you are seeing. We have a system diagnostic tool that will gather the information we need to solve this problem for you. It will save a system profile SPX file and search your system logs for relevant messages from Final Cut Pro and from any plugins running on your system.

Please note all diagnostic information gathered will be treated confidentially, solely used to diagnose your problem and then deleted from our systems

To Proceed if you have not already done so, please download our system diagnostic tool 
Unzip and run the CMGatherDiagnostics application, and it will gather information for us that will help us fix this problem. It's normal that it will take a minute or so to finish working. After it finishes there will be a zip file on your desktop, starting with "CMDiags..." and then with your user and system name.

Please upload the collected data through our file request form which will be opened by the application.