Common Issues - if you have a problem look here first

I see trial expired on my plugin, even though I have entered the license

Please see this video on how to clear render files in FCP X.

I can't see the TrackX "Track Layer" and "Track Text" plugins in FCP X

  • Please note that these plugins appear under Generators, not under effects in the browser.

I've only purchased some of the plugins and I want to hide the ones I haven't purchased

  • If you have installed the full set and then decide you only want to see some plugins in your menus you can go into the installation folder and remove the sets that you do not want to see. Delete the folders that you don't want to see from the folders below:
  • Final Cut Pro / Motion / Final Cut Express: /Library/Application Support/CoreMelt/FxPlug
  • After Effects CS3/CS4/CS5/CS5.5: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plugins/CS3/MediaCore/CoreMelt

I can't find the uninstaller?

  • You can download the CoreMelt Tools including our Uninstaller from here. Unzip to your desktop then run "Remove CoreMelt Plugins" in the Tools folder.