REVIEW CoreMelt Final Cut Pro X 2.5 update

The CoreMelt Complete V2 pack has over 150 plugins for FCP X, or use Motion 5 to use the full range of 220+ plugins. CoreMelt Lock & Load X is now available in FCP XInstall CoreMelt Complete V2 or CoreMeltFREE! to get 10 free transitions in FCP X. Free transitions appear in the category "C2 Free Templates".  Your license is also valid in FCP7, Premeire Pro and After Effects. 

CoreMelt V2 plugins now contains 20 new Motion Templates Exclusive for FCP X users.

Coinciding with the release of CoreMelt plugins on FCP X and Motion 5, we have bundled an extra
8 new plugins into the package.  See screenshots and details below.

Please note that plugins in FCP X are only available through Motion Templates and that custom parameters are not available.  Due to this limitation ImageFlow Fx, VeeYou and some other plugins are not available in FCP X.  You can use these plugins in Motion 5 or in FCP 7,  Premeire Pro or AE on the same machine.  Due to limitations inn FCP X CoreMelt Lock & Load X is as yet not available on FCP X or Motion 5.

FCP X Specific Details: Access Help, Registration and Presets with On Screen Controls

To access registration, help and presets in FCP X, use the on screen controls that appear over the image at bottom as shown above.  These OSC only appear when the plugin is selected in the inspector and do not appear when playing the clip or in renders or exports.

Using Effects Masks in FCP X

CoreMelt plugins do not have a mask control in FCP X like they do in other hosts.  Our suggested method to masking an effect is as follows:  Duplicate the clip you want to apply the effect too as a connected clip by dragging it up above the original clip on the timeline and holding the option key down. Then apply the effect you want and also apply the effect "4Pt Mask Layer" to the same clip. You can now use the drop down menu to choose a mask shape and use the four on screen control points to easily and quickly position the mask as you like.

Details of New Plugins in V2.5

Vintage Newsprint

Vintage Newsprint - Shatter

Overlays both a dot screen and a channel separation to create an effect like old misaligned newspaper print.

4 Point Mask Layer

4 Point Mask Layer - Gadget

Creates a mask from various shapes that is positioned using 4 onscreen control points. This can be used as a way to mask an effect (especially in FCP X), by duplicating the layer into a connected clip aligned with the original clip, and then applying the effect you wish to use, and "4 Pt Mask Layer".

Light Burn

Light Burn - TRX

Wipes across to the next image through a burn of light with controllable angle, width and color.

Lights Out

Lights Out - TRX

Flickers the incoming clip to dark and then lights back up to reveal the new clip.

Light Streaks

Light Streaks - TRX

Creates Random grunged light shapes across the image and then reveals the target image.

Shapes Grow

Shapes Grow - TRX

Reveals the next image through a selection of grungy random shapes.

Glass Fracture

Glass Fractures - Delta V

Creates random fractured blurred glass shapes across the image revealing the target clip.

Plasma Wipe

Plasma Wipe - Delta V

Creates A wipe of Plasma across the image revealing the target clip

Lock & Load X LogoLock & Load X and FCP X.

We had many requests for Lock & Load X on FCP X. Its now available, please see this page.

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