Coremelt Plugins Quickstart Guide - open registration tool

After installation, please restart your plugin host.

Final Cut Pro X

CoreMelt plugins appear under "C2 Product Name" in the effects filters and generators panel.For example; Blurs in the Luminous pack are found under "C2 Luminous - Glows and Blurs".

To activate your plugins, please drop a CoreMelt plugin onto a clip in yur timeline, enter the effects controls and click on the "registration" button.

For help, please click on the plugin logo icon which says "click here for help".

Premiere Pro CS6 - CC 2018

In Premiere Pro CS5/CS5.5 all CoreMelt V2 plugins are found listed by product name under the "Effects" panel.

Please note; you will need to restart Premiere Pro holding down the "shift" key after you have installed CoreMelt plugins to rebuild the plugin cache.

Motion 5


In Motion 4 and 5 CoreMelt V2 plugins are found listed by product name under the "Filters" and "Generators" sections in the Library panel.

License activation and help are found in the "inspector" panel after placing an effect onto a clip.

After Effects CS6 - CC 2018

In After Effects CS3/CS4/CS5/CS5.5 all CoreMelt V2 plugins are found listed by product name under the "video effects" panel and the "video effects" menu.