REGISTER Thank You for Installing CoreMelt SliceX TrackX DriveX
Thanks for Installing CoreMelt SliceX / TrackX / DriveX.
Please note that this installer contains SliceX, TrackX and DriveX powered by Mocha. They are sold separately or in a bundle.
After installation, please restart your plugin host.
The CoreMelt SliceX plugins appears under “C2 SliceX” in the effects browser in FCP X.
The CoreMelt TrackX plugins appear under "C2 TrackX" in the generators browser in FCP X and in the effects browser
The CoreMelt DriveX plugins appear under "C2 DriveX" in the titles browser in FCP X and in the effects browser
Once you have applied one of the SliceX plugins to a clip, follow the steps at left to draw a shape, turn on Mocha tracking, then track your shape to the movement in a clip.
We recommend you watch some of our introductory tutorials to get started.
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