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Creating and Editing Shape Masks with SliceX |
Quickstart Guide: SliceX TrackX DriveX powered by MochaPlease note that this installer contains both SliceX, TrackX and DriveX powered by Mocha. They are sold separately or in a bundle with both products. After installation, please restart your plugin host. The CoreMelt SliceX plugins appears under “C2 SliceX” in the effects browser in FCP X. The CoreMelt TrackX plugins appear under "C2 TrackX" in the generators browser in FCP X and in the effects browser. The CoreMelt DriveX plugins appear under "C2 DriveX" in the titles browser in FCP X and in the effects browser. A More detailed quickstart guide is available here and there is detailed tutorials on SliceX with Mocha and for TrackX with Mocha. |
Once you have applied one of the SliceX plugins to a clip, follow the steps at left to draw a shape, turn on Mocha tracking, then track your shape to the movement in a clip.
The plugin ‘Simple Tracker” allows you to quickly track a text layer or graphic to follow the movement of an object.
- Drag the simple tracker generator on top of the clip you wish to track
- Place the graphic or text you wish to track into the image well.
- Track the clip.
For detailed instructions on using the “Track Layer” and “Track Text” plugins please watch our video tutorials.