ShotAnvil Object Keyer and Key by Position Update

ShotAnvil's free update adds new object keying and using position to choose sections of Luma, Chroma or Saturation keys.  An example of the object keyer is shown below.

Please note that the object keyer only works on macOS Sonoma 14.1 or later


The Object Keyer templates use AI to make a best guess of the clearest featured element in the shot.  See example.


The Key By Position templates use a trackable position axis to choose between different sections of a chroma key.  See example.

The detailed pages show video tutorials and more details for these new features. Please remember this is a free update if you already own ShotAnvil and you can get a discount on ShotAnvil if you own any previous CoreMelt product. Please contact us to confirm your special discount.
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