Everything Bundle vs Detonators Bundle

The CoreMelt Everything Bundle was all of our products from the 2016-2020 time period. All products were originally made for Intel macs. We are discontinuing the Everything Bundle, as some products in the bundle will not be updated for Apple Silicon moving forward - specifically, Chromatic and the V2 Plugin Set. There are several reasons, but this is partially because those products are now duplicated by built in tools included with Final Cut Pro.
The Detonators Bundle is our new comprehensive effects package. All eight products are both Apple Silicon and Intel native and will continue to receive support and updates in future macOS and FCP updates.
If you purchased the Everything Bundle after 1st January 2021 then you qualify for a free update to the Detonators bundle. Contact us with your old serial and we will send a new serial at no charge.
If you purchased the Everything Bundle before 1st January 2021 then we will update you to the detonators bundle for $99. Again, contact us with your serial number and we will give you instructions on how to obtain the update.
Installing the Detonators Bundle
Open CoreMelt Manager, select the detonators bundle from the bundle tab and press the down arrow then select install. All Apple Silicon native versions will be installed,
Using the new versions
If you still have the Everything Bundle installed, you may see two versions of products eg "C2 PaintX" and "C2 PaintX 4". Please use only the versions ending with 4.
Uninstalling older versions
Once you are sure you don't need them, you can remove the old versions. Open CoreMelt Manager and select "Remove All FxPlug3 Versions" under "Tools".
We are excited to continue developing the Detonators bundle and will be releasing brand new products already in the pipeline throughout 2023 and beyond. As always we welcome your feedback.