CoreMelt Discount for Apple Employees

If you are an Apple employee in the Pro Apps division, or directly involved with demonstrating Pro Apps to customers, then we will happily give you a free serial for all CoreMelt products. For other Apple staff we offer a 30 percent discount.  To take advantage of the offer, please email us at from your Apple email.

Note: The email must come from an,,,, or email address.

Apple Silicon Native Products

Most of our products for Final Cut Pro and Apple Motion 5 are now Apple Silicon native. Please be aware that we have had to completely re-build some products to work properly in the updated Silicon native apps. In our case, they were not simple ports, and may not support projects created in previous versions. Please see this page for details. 

Getting Started With Our Products

All products are installed using our CoreMelt Manager, which will also register the product using the serial you will be sent.  We have a range of video tutorials, see here for suggested starting points.

We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and join our mailing list.

About Coremelt

CoreMelt has been making plugins for Final Cut Pro and Motion for over 10 years.  We have a comprehensive range of products covering powerful tracking using the Mocha tracking engine, tracked paint strokes , a powerful 3D tool for inserting objects into your edit, AI generated style transfer and more.